Lactivism (portmanteau of "lactation" and "activism") is a term used to describe the advocacy of breastfeeding.[1] Supporters, referred to as "lactivists", seek to promote the health benefits of breastfeeding over formula-feeding and to ensure that nursing mothers are not discriminated against.
Yup, that's me. When I first got pregnant, there wasn't any question in my mind that I would breastfeed my baby. When I actually started and realized that it is a look hard than it looks, me initial goal was to make it 6 weeks. Although I fully intended on breastfeeding the Ty man longer than that, I knew I needed to make a short term goal in order to feel like I could do it. So after much trouble with my supply from loosing weight, introducing a bottle a little too early and the craziness of moving, Tyler and I got into a groove and officially surpassed our 6 week goal. And then I decided my next benchmark would be 12 weeks/3 months and what do ya know, we're here! Yay! And although I fully intend on breastfeeding Tyler for a long while, my next goal is 6 months. I think we can do it ;-)
The more I read and learn about the benefits of breastfeeding, the more excited I get about my decision. Did you know breastfed babies are at a decreased risk of childhood cancers, SIDS, ear infections and respiratory disease? And by breastfeeding Tyler I am decreasing my risk of pre-menopausal breast and ovarian cancers, UTIs and osteoporosis. Plus, I can eat as much as Michael Phelps and still loose weight. Win. Even formula companies know the breast is best. I was taking out a can of formula we had gotten at the hospital with other samples after baby was born to put with the canned foods we're giving to the food shelter, and I noticed the can said "Experts agree breastfeeding is best." Boom.
So now, not only am I a crazy vegetarian and natural birth advocate, I'm a lactivist.
And while we're on my favorite subject of breastfeeding, let me tell you how much I LOVE my new pump! Thanks to everyone who voted for me and helped me win it! It has a rechargeable battery which is uber convenient. Last Saturday Jordon and I went to a wedding and I was away from Ty man for 5 hours (don't get me started on that!) and needed to pump. Well I just hooked myself up in the car and pumped under my dress... pretty funny actually. There was a police car two cars behind us, and I told Jordon it would be hilarious if he pulled us over only to find me pumping away in the front seat. He didn't pull us over though. Hilarious/awkward moment avoided.
Anyways, I love my new pump and have been getting tons of use out of it, however Tyler just hates the bottle. He used to take it like a champ, but I unknowingly sabotaged his bottle-taking abilities by exclusively breastfeeding him for a week and ever since he hasn't wanted anything to do with the bottle! So right now I have over 100 oz. of frozen breast milk in my freezer and a stubborn child. Sigh. Hopefully we can persuade him one of these days...
Other news on the Tyler front: today is his 3 month birthday! yay! And this morning he decided to celebrate by rolling over! I just about screamed when it happened, like I had won the lottery or something. We tried to get him to do it again and he tried and was so close, but I think he was tired out and wouldn't do it again. We'll try tomorrow.
On Wednesday I went to the doctor because I had been feeling super tired and thought maybe my thyroid was slowing down (because I already have hypothyroidism) but apparently it was super-duper overactive! My goodness does pregnancy take a toll on the body! It isn't uncommon for a women to have hyPERthyroidism in the first 3 months after pregnancy then go into a state of hyPOthyroidism after that, so I have an appointment with an endocrinologist in December to see if mine will flip again. And my back has been killing me every since I was pregnant, specifically my upper back (what pregnant woman has UPPER back pain?!) so I went and saw a chiropractor. She said my joints had been irritated during my pregnancy which caused the muscles in my back to spasm. So now I'm seeing her 3x a week for therapy and adjustments, which has helped a ton. I have never been to a chiropractor, so it was a very new experience for me. When she adjusts my neck and back, you would not believe how much they crack! And now Jordon is going to because #1 he is obsessed with cracking his back/neck/my fingers/anything else that can crack, and #2 he gets treated for free because he a coach at the college and our doctor is contracted by the college. Jordon told me my new hobby is going to see doctors because I'm so bored staying at home haha. I just think pregnancy has left me a little worst for the wear ;-)
Right now Jordon and I are eagerly awaiting baby's first Halloween! we're going to search for a costume for him tomorrow, so wish us luck!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Baby colds are no fun.

It's crazy how much Tyler has grown over these past 12 weeks... and it's also hard to believe it's been 12 weeks since I had him, and that before that he wasn't in Jordon and I's lives! We thank God every day for our little blessing.
This week we were faced with one of the terrors of parenthood: the baby cold. You have never heard a more pitiful sound than the sound of a baby's cough. He first started coughing a bit on Sunday, and even threw up too, so I thought it may be some reflux. But then Sunday night he was stuffed up and cough more, so I knew it had to be a cold! I thought we'd avoid this part of parenthood for awhile because I'm exclusively breastfeeding and he's getting all of those good antibodies, but I guess not. I even felt a little responsible for him getting sick... like my milk wasn't good enough to keep him well! (Oh, a parent's mind). But he got over it really quick! By Tuesday he was only coughing a tiny bit and by Wednesday he was like new. Phew. Crisis avoided. By the way, I was one of those parents who immediately called the pediatrician and asked what I could do, what to look out for, was it okay that his cough sounded wet, etc. I expect they will be on speed dial by the end of this year ;-)
So needless to say, Ty man and momma were pretty lazy while being cooped up inside this week. He hates not being able to take his daily stroller rides! It was pretty funny though because on Monday, Jordon got home from work (early! yay for fall season being over!) so he watched baby while I went for a run. When I got back from my run Jordon was pushing Tyler around in his jogging stroller... about 20 foot laps through the living room and kitchen! It was hilarious, and Tyler was loving it! Yay for Daddy's improvisation.
Tyler has been sleeping pretty well these days. He was on a great track of sleeping 6-7 hours straight a night back in September, but then we went away one weekend and he got off track. Boo. But this week he'd been doing much better again, and slept 7 and a half hours the other night. It was awesome! I'm hoping he can keep this up! A well slept mommy is a happy mommy!
I've been getting a little stir crazy recently. I can see why 12 weeks would be enough maternity leave for working mommas. I've been thinking a lot about getting back to work, or what I want to do from here out. Jordon and I talked about it, and we're thinking I MAY go back to school (emphasis on the the "may," no plans as of yet!). After having such an incredible birth experience, I am OBSESSED with babies/pregnancy/labor. In fact, right now my DVR has Birthday, I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant, A Baby Story, Secretly Pregnant, and some other assorted baby/pregnancy specials on Discovery Fit & Health set to record. So Jordon and I think it might be rewarding for me to get my RN and become a labor and delivery nurse, and possibly continue my education and become a midwife! The community college in Martinsville has an accelerated nursing program and if some of my credits from JMU would transfer over, I could probably complete the program fairly quickly. Also, Shenandoah University has a CNM program, so that could be a possibility later in the future. But again, we're just brainstorming right now... we'll see if this is the path God wants me on!
As for now, Tyler and I are just enjoying being best buddies during the day, and hanging out with Daddy in the evenings. I love my little family!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
10 Weeks

I've been staying at home with the Ty man for 10 weeks now and it still hasn't gotten old. I just love hanging out with him!
He has gotten SO big! We took him to the pediatrician for his 2 month appointment last Monday, and he weighed 10 lb 13 oz, and was 24 inches long. That put him in the 25th percentile for weight (which is low, but he growing at a steady rate from his weight at 2 weeks... he was in the same percentile then) and between the 75-90th percentile for height. The doctor said if he kept up at this rate, he'd be tall and skinny haha. Since neither Jordon and I have many tall people in our families, we're assuming his vertical growth will begin to slow down.
Tyler had hit all his 2 month developmental milestones (such as holding his head up, smiling in response, making cooing noises) and also some of the 4 month ones as well (like bearing weight on his legs). He is gifted. And he had to get three shots, which he was NOT happy about... and neither was I! The nurse poked him with the first needle and he got quiet, his eyes got big, and then he just wailed. It broke my heart!! And after he got the last shot I couldn't help but swoop him right up and hold him. He was pretty fussy afterward and the rest of the day, but the next day he was fine.
I've been taking Tyler for rides in his big boy BOB running stroller (just walks right now though... can't run with him until he gets a little older!) which is awesome. Best stroller ever! And I love taking him down the the tennis courts every afternoon to visit Jordon and his players during practice. The players seem to have taken quite a liking to him, and always call him "junior" instead of Tyler haha.
As for my Medela contest that I have been begging abut for the last month... I lost :-( The other girl was TOTALLY cheating though! In the last week, whenever I'd get up more than 10 votes, she'd come back and get ahead 20 some votes in 15 minutes. Then, the last night, I got up 4 and ten minutes later was down 30 votes. Something was fishy. Jordon wrote an anonymous email to Medela cluing them into the situation and I found out a few days later my mom had too! haha. I'm still hoping she gets disqualified! But no matter what, I thought it was awesome that I ended up with 767 votes!!! So many awesome people supporting me! Plus, Tyler is the best and sweetest kid in the world, so even if Traci B. from Ohio wins the breastpump, I got the best prize of all :-)
I did, however, re-enter the contest with another photo. They do a random draw for another grand prize, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw my name into the pot for October. If you want to vote though, be my guest!! I don't think I will be as aggressive about getting votes this month, unless it looks like there isn't much competition... then maybe I'll reinstate my campaign haha. Here's the link:
then you enter your email address, and they will send you an email with a link to click to verify your vote!
So long story short, I'm loving everyday in parenthood. My kid is just awesome. I knew I would love Tyler, but never knew how much I could love him. It is incredible and a one-of-a-kind type of love.
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