Friday, August 23, 2013

30/31/32 Weeks

Epic fail at updating weekly, but it's much harder the second time around. So here's what's been going on in our lives: Jordon finished up working his last two weeks at Wintergreen. Tyler and I joined him the first week and enjoyed spending lots of time together. We went on lots of walks, went to the pool (I had to keep getting him out of the hot tub, or as he liked to call it the "hot wader!"), dug for dinosaur eggs at the discovery center and played on the playground. He's just a joy to hang out with. We stayed home the second week Jordon had to work just because it was a lot of traveling to do again and I had a doctor's appointment anyway. My mom visited, and Tyler enjoyed being able to spend time with (and get spoiled by!) his grandma. This week Jordon and I both started work. I had so many faculty meetings to go to (which were, for the most part, extremely boring and long haha) and Jordon got into his office, got a new computer and cell phone, and of course, lots of JMU tennis gear. Who has the better job? This week we've been relying on each other and family for babysitting, but Tyler will start at daycare next week. Yikes! Thankfully Jordon doesn't have to be in the office until lunch time so he can stick around in the morning to help Tyler adjust on his first day being there alone (Jordon has taken him a few times to play for a couple hours, but is always in the room with him). I'm hoping he'll do fine since his best bud Lucas will be in there with him. Today we all went to the fair together, which was a blast. I was a nervous nelly and didn't want Tyler to ride anything, but after making him sit out on a ride his cousins went on, and after having him literally tell me "It's not scary momma" I caved and let him ride all sorts of unreliable carnival rides. He had a blast. And thankfully didn't get injured haha.

On the pregnancy front, I've been feeling pretty big recently! I know it will just get worse, which is kind of scary! I've also been having a hard time sleeping because my bump is so big, but other than that, I'm really feeling pretty good. I kind of want my flat belly back and to be able to go running again, but I'm really enjoying being pregnant this time and not wishing it away too quickly like I did last time (at least not yet!). At my last appointment things went well and for once this pregnancy, my thyroid lab work was normal which means no more increasing my Synthroid dose. Yay! And baby seemed to be measuring right where she should be, so all seems well. She moves like crazy and is getting to the point where limbs start reaching into my rib cage, which was one of the things I hated about being pregnant with Tyler. It's rather uncomfortable to have a foot in your rib cage, if you can imagine. Just yesterday I got a nice big bag full of maternity clothes to borrow from my good friend Sarah, so I'm very excited about that as well. Between those and all the stuff my mom's been spoiling me with, I think I will be well-dressed when I start work next week. I wonder what my students will think when their professor literally waddles into the classroom on the first day of class? haha.

On the toddler front, Tyler's just been a blast to be around. He talks SO MUCH, it's crazy. I feel like a month ago he was just starting to put words together, and now he speaks sentences to me. Plus he pulls the most random words out of nowhere... words I feel like I've never said to him before. It cracked me up the other day when I was watching TV and he started repeating random phrases the characters would say, like "muddy shoes." And when he was looking through his toddler Bible today, he randomly said to me "Where's Jonah momma?" haha! My kid is a genius. We still have a lot of uninterpretable phrases though, so it's always and adventure when it's time to figure out what Tyler is trying to tell us. He seems pretty excited for his "baby sis" to come, which is making me very excited for the moment he gets to meet her. It's precious when he pulls my shirt up to give my belly a kiss, or when he puts his hand on my belly and says "kick!" Kids are too much sometimes :-)

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