Saturday, February 5, 2011

15 Weeks

Thursday officially marked the 15 week mark, however I couldn't blog on time because Shentel is an awful internet provider and we didn't have internet Wednesday through today. You would think if they were going to have a monopoly on phone and internet, they'd at least provide decent service. Bah. Enough ranting about Shentel.

I feel like my stomach is getting exponentially bigger, however I have only gained 1.6 lbs from my starting weight. Although taking into account the 3 lbs I lost during the first trimester, I guess I've technically gained 4.6 lbs. Either way, the doctor said the baby is growing just fine and not to obsess so much over the number of pounds gained but just eating well, so that is what I'm doing.

Jordon and I are getting more and more excited for little Tyler to make his experience... I even had a dream last night that I thought I went into labor so we went to the hospital and they said I wasn't really in labor so I decided to climb the stairs in the hospital until I did go into labor haha. I was very determined.

As I've told everyone I've discussed pregnancy with, I am in awe of the crazy things happening to my body that I never expected to. In particular, I've noticed that anytime I get hungry I have just a couple hiccups. Just like one or two. And they are associated with the feeling of hunger. Weird. Plus, the whole not craving sweets things is still freaking me out.

Jordon woke up today with some flu-like symptoms, so I'm doing everything I can to avoid getting sick while still taking care of my helpless hubby. Poor thing. I just downed at least 10 oz. of orange juice and plan on keeping that up. I've also washed my hands so much today that they are completely void of any moisture and could definitely pass as sandpaper. As long as I don't get sick, I don't mind!

Please keep Jordon in your prayers, and please keep me in my prayers so that I do not get sick!!!

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